Feature Update for January 2023!

Hi MeseCrafters!

There is a new update for MeseCraft ! This is the first update for 2023! You will now see this update hitting our github, servers, and the Minetest ContentDB! So get ready to upgrade your games and servers!

Kips Place (By Kiopy)

Now, here are the new changes for January!

  • Updated doors to have the new sound from Minetest 5.7 (by @exevirus)
  • Bug Fixed: Fix “register_ore errors on startup” red message in chat. Fix some lootchest values (by @Solzdirfan)
  • Added new textures for the mailbox that are in-line with our palette theme. (by @komodo)
  • Added steel sounds to the mailbox. (@komodo)
  • Added a new item, the miner’s helmet. Which has low armor but provides a source of light while being worn. (by @andyiii)
  • Bug Fixed: Reptilian Elites projectile texture fixed (by @andyiii)
  • Added a glow effect to spell books, tomes, and magic items (by @andyiii)
  • Bug Fixed: Items within Lootchests can now be shift+clicked to be removed. (by @andyiii)

What a great set of updates and fixes! I personally am looking forward to mining with the new miner’s helmet and seeing the new mailbox texture in the game. In the next update, I plan to start adding more of our stylized redesigned textures for MeseCaft which will use a palette of 64 colors.

Sunset (By Kiopy)

Also, @kiopythelma has shared some more screenshots that are now available for viewing on the Media section of MeseCraft.com. Remember that you can e-mail [email protected] with your screenshots, videos, and art and I will try to feature them on the site!

Thank you everyone for being a part of MeseCraft!

~ @komodo

Home Forums Feature Update for January 2023!

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    Hi MeseCrafters! There is a new update for MeseCraft ! This is the first update for 2023! You will now see this update hitting our github, servers, an
    [See the full post at: Feature Update for January 2023!]


    I like the new mailboxes. Noticed some unknown items around my farm though. Turns out the blue delphinium flowers aren’t showing up.


    The item string (name of hte object) in the game changed, so you’ll likely have to find them all over again.


    Nice, we can finally shift+click loot chests. Been wanting that for a long time. However I think that we should have parity with things like armor-stands and auto-crafters. I would love to shift click those.


    @mesecraft I developed the miner’s helmet, lighting updates, and such. Feel free to send bug reports my way. 🙂


    I updated the post with the right mentions. I assumed @dcmenche was your account since it was posting about your server.

    🙂 welcome to mesecraft!


    The auto-crafters were included in the shift-click update. Armor stands are on my list but will need more work. I don’t think the listring functionality will work for those since each slot can only contain one type of armor. I’m thinking it needs a button to equip/unequip, which I think would be more useful anyway.

    Note: Any node that you already placed might have saved an old formspec that doesn’t have shift-click support. Try digging and replacing it to get it working.


    This worked for me. Just picked them up and replaced. Shift click works


    Can we fix this by registering aliases? We have some more name changes coming that could affect people more. The new ones aren’t just flowers, but whole chests worth of items that could be lost. I think an alias for the old name will cause the node to be seamlessly replaced. I haven’t tested it yet, but I did test an item I was holding was seamlessly replaced with the new item.


    I just haven’t been adding aliases because I feel like it creates more maintenance required to add the backwards compatibility and I’ve been more focused on getting things setup for a more long-term and trimmer base of code. It does suck in the short term to have things break, but since I still consider this as an alpha-stage type of project, I haven’t been too worried about it.

    The aliases could be used to support MTG namespaces though which might add more compatibility to mesecraft modules for other mods, but it hasn’t been a huge concern. I understand why it’s frustrating, MisterE was talking to me about this as well.

    The unique namespaces are also a Minetest ContentDB requirement. They were getting on me about it about how if I change parts of a mod I can’t refer to it as the same mod anymore if it’s within MeseCraft on the contentDB. So I’ve just decided to give unique namespacing to anything that is changed or within MeseCraft. Long term, it would benefit the game to have its own namespacing too, better branding, and the unique namespacing should help more name changes in the future since we’d have our own spaces to work within.

    It’s probably not perfect thinking, but that was the goal I was aiming for. I just haven’t been taking the time to account for depreciated name strings. The community here has been pretty patient with that and I appreciate that, but I can see how its frustrating for players and server operators.


    Okay, I understand.


    I’m not saying it’s the right way to do things, I just haven’t been able to be bothered by it. It does kind of suck though, I appreciate you bringing it up and I can see how it’s a problem.


    I’m not saying it’s the right way to do things, I just haven’t been able to be bothered by it. It does kind of suck though, I appreciate you bringing it up and I can see how it’s a problem.

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