A blocky survival game.

Feature Update for January 2023!

Hi MeseCrafters!

There is a new update for MeseCraft ! This is the first update for 2023! You will now see this update hitting our github, servers, and the Minetest ContentDB! So get ready to upgrade your games and servers!

Kips Place (By Kiopy)

Now, here are the new changes for January!

  • Updated doors to have the new sound from Minetest 5.7 (by @exevirus)
  • Bug Fixed: Fix “register_ore errors on startup” red message in chat. Fix some lootchest values (by @Solzdirfan)
  • Added new textures for the mailbox that are in-line with our palette theme. (by @komodo)
  • Added steel sounds to the mailbox. (@komodo)
  • Added a new item, the miner’s helmet. Which has low armor but provides a source of light while being worn. (by @andyiii)
  • Bug Fixed: Reptilian Elites projectile texture fixed (by @andyiii)
  • Added a glow effect to spell books, tomes, and magic items (by @andyiii)
  • Bug Fixed: Items within Lootchests can now be shift+clicked to be removed. (by @andyiii)

What a great set of updates and fixes! I personally am looking forward to mining with the new miner’s helmet and seeing the new mailbox texture in the game. In the next update, I plan to start adding more of our stylized redesigned textures for MeseCaft which will use a palette of 64 colors.

Sunset (By Kiopy)

Also, @kiopythelma has shared some more screenshots that are now available for viewing on the Media section of MeseCraft.com. Remember that you can e-mail [email protected] with your screenshots, videos, and art and I will try to feature them on the site!

Thank you everyone for being a part of MeseCraft!

~ @komodo

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