Cloudlands should be higher up

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    I started playing about a month ago on a MeseCraft server (not, and noticed strange islands in the sky.

    I LOVE sky islands, so I built up there and started building my base.

    Later on, I found the Tome of Portals, and built a Nether- and then a Portalstone Portal, only to find that I already was on the cloudlands the Portalstone Portal would have teleported me to.

    I think that broke immersion a little. I digged deeper into it and found out that the cloudlands mod can be configured to have a higher spawn rate, which I think should be added up closer to 400 or 500.

    Currently, it is IMO too easy to accidentally discover them in the very beginning when they should be later game.


    Not a bad suggestion. I think that makes sense. Maybe we can move them up higher.


    400-500 is plenty high already, but honestly, when our upper limits are over 30k nodes up, even that seems very low.


    I agree they should be up higher.


    Since vacuum starts at 1K (atm), we can’t go too high. I would put them up around 700 or so, to prevent them from being in sight range of the ground.


    @miru @senordmt @andyiii @brokencircle

    OK, I’ve moved cloudlands biomes to +500 altitude with a +/-  100 variance. Someone should test this out with cloudland portals!


    had a crash today after updating cloudlands and testing. posting to save it:


    AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod ‘cloudlands’ in callback environment_OnGenerated(): ….minetest/games/MeseCraft/mods/MTG/default/functions.lua:731: attempt to call method ‘is_player’ (a nil value)
    stack traceback:
    ….minetest/games/MeseCraft/mods/MTG/default/functions.lua:731: in function ‘log_player_action’
    ….minetest/games/MeseCraft/mods/MTG/default/functions.lua:753: in function ‘on_metadata_inventory_put’
    …t/games/MeseCraft/mods/MODULES/cloudlands/cloudlands.lua:2514: in function ‘addDetail_secrets’
    …t/games/MeseCraft/mods/MODULES/cloudlands/cloudlands.lua:2800: in function ‘renderCores’
    …t/games/MeseCraft/mods/MODULES/cloudlands/cloudlands.lua:2941: in function <…t/games/MeseCraft/mods/MODULES/cloudlands/cloudlands.lua:2913>
    /usr/share/minetest/builtin/game/register.lua:431: in function </usr/share/minetest/builtin/game/register.lua:417>


    Does this impact the current server or only offline/new games? My island seems to be at the same height as normal.


    @keihdra The update hasn’t made it into the main branch of the game yet. Right now it’s only in the unstable (alpha) branch. Then it will move through testing branch (beta) –> the main/master branch (mesecraft). I tested it last night and it did generate islands at the right elevation but it seems like there was a crash too involving an inventory placement. (log above this post)

    As for your game and the servers, once the update is in the main branch, it will just mean that islands will now generate around 500. the ones that have been generated already will still be there where they were.


    Sounds good. I’d hate to lose all the stuff I’ve built on those islands.


    yea that’s something i recently discovered. but one could argue that 1km for vacuum is too low, considering we have tens of thousands of m we can go up, and most of it is not used, even when taking consideration of the other realms.

    Since vacuum starts at 1K (atm), we can’t go too high. I would put them up around 700 or so, to prevent them from being in sight range of the ground.

    also, as far as them being in sight range from the ground, the variance can be changed to make it more random. the recent change was for a variance of +/- 100m, but when i’m flying with my wyverns, i know where the cloud lands are, and they’re pretty much all on this one level, almost as if floating on water like, well, the islands we see on water. more variance means more to discover randomly while flying around in the skies.


    We don’t have as much room as you might think, because the planets are up there, too. The moon starts at 3K. I’ve been trying to come up with something to do with the empty vacuum, but it is kind of boring with just blue everywhere. I see what you mean about the islands.


    Yes, 1K is considered orbital zone. Then 3K is moon. Lots of room and ideas to be built with space. Hopefully new planets and areas with unique biomes one day.

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