Firearms to Mars

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    My idea would be to basically stop the use of gates to Mars. Instead, you would get to Mars via a spaceport that is so complex to build that you probably won’t work on it alone. This spaceport would function mainly like a Mars gate. Once on Mars, you can find materials there that are essential for building powder weapons. If you return to Earth (or Moon?) via the spaceport on Mars, you have to go through customs. There all powder weapons, ammunition and special materials are confiscated. And, yes, also the void chest is searched.

    This would not only banish firearms to Mars, but the exclusion of Nethergates would prevent distances from shrinking on Mars. This in turn would give the settlement of Mars a character of its own, where around the spaceport probably a more densely populated area is created surrounded by the Martian wilderness that first has to be shot on foot… Which of course can be settled by those who prefer it lonely. Just the character of a space colony.
    In addition, the newbies who have just joined the server would be safe from the powder weapons. And vice versa: the powder weapons would also be safe from the newbies.

    From a physical point of view, however, this concept would be completely reversed, as far as I know. The lack of oxygen would prevent the ignition of a powder charge on the moon or Mars. That might be a possibility, too.


    Why not actually make rockets – i suppose they would have to be teleported from sub-moon space to mars orbit at a point but there are 2 existing things that come to mind this could be based on:

    Or even better you could have a launch pad where you can configure the trajectory so you end up in a specific space dimension / layer


    If you are talking about how to get to mars, there already is a way to get there by large bronze portals. Also Mesecraft (or Sara’s as it used to be called) has a very bed experience with rockets, which is why there is portals in the first place.


    The portal blocks need to be re-balanced and turned into something that isn’t really valuable outside of creating portals. Right now there is an infinite metal block duplication bug because of portals. Portals right now can go to the Nether (Hell), Cloudlands (islands in the sky), Moon, and Mars. Portals can be added through the API included with the nether mod pretty easily. But don’t want to over due it and can lean on jump drive (Ship/space travel) for other exploration too. I’d like players to be able to dig to hell but it’s a very big world and that might be too much. Hell I think still starts at -16K or 1/2 the depth of the world. Which is pretty far for most players. So maybe a portal to get there is still necessary.

    I’d like space travel and jump drives to be a big part of the later game. For the moon, maybe a portal makes sense since its pretty close to Earth. Mars, maybe find a way to get there with a portal or leave jump drive.

    There should be an outer space part where the asteroid biomes are and maybe an empty space section. Space mobs and other ships with cannons and stuff. Just thoughts, mix like the show firefly and the game FTL together for that somehow.

    But I’ve been thinking about game progression. Should be tutorial –> Earth –> Caves –> Hell –> Moon or Mars –> Space –> Maybe far out planets only visitable with jump drives. etc. Also, this progression would be how you obtain materials and how you can build portals to unlock new biomes, items, npcs, and new ores.

    Mars and Moon could have their own unique ores and more ores as we go further out into the biomes/space.


    @cora and @kiopy7 I’ve tried using rockets before. They didn’t work well. It’s fun, but the rocket ship mod didn’t really work well in terms of steering and handling. But once you got to the bottom of the moon, it is a layer.  It is solid and impossible to get through without portals (or it is supposed to be, but there may be a few bugs or items that still haven’t be fixed). I think this should be built into the lore. Since there is a weird boundry surrounding the world, we can say it’s something like a forcefield or wall-built by the antagonists.

    But space travel will probably be through jump drives, and portals.

    I’m also planning to add Meseportals back into the game (Basically Stargates). Links that players can setup, but it should be expensive and very hard to dig back up.


    That is very nice that you are adding meseportals back in the game but I really hope you change the texture and shape of the portal, because I mean circles and block games don’t mix.

    And about the progression? I think that is a very nice Idea, similar to Minecraft’s progression system which is Overwold>Nether>End. Right now, if you make it where you dig to hell, there would about 1 person trying to do it, because the Nether is pretty boring and the only thing useful there at the moment is glowstone, air portal blocks and maybe nether tools? But there is still no armor for that, soooo yeah, the nether needs an upgrade. But from a player’s perspective I see it the progression going similar to this: You start on the Overworld, then dig down to get minerals and other resources, You may find obsidian which can help you get to the nether and help you find better gear such as nether tools (Which hopefully becomes an actual ore instead of smushing netherack together), While at the nether you may find some old portal blocks that can be used to take you to the Cloudlands, a section of the world that harnessed magic to be safe from corruption. While there you have a chance to find giant trees, and taking their hearts, which have magical qualities, may help you progress. Then we turn back to the mines, where if you dig deep enough you might find a type of rock called Slade that even diamond tools can’t break (Maybe this is what nether tools can be used for) while there you might find some meseportal fragments which, with combining with a heart of a giant tree, you make a meseportal that takes you past the magical barrier set by the evil corrupted lizards and on to the moon of the Mesecraft planet. Here you can find ores that might give you special abilities like speed and jump boost, or maybe even gravity boots. Here you can also run into Alien outposts which you can maybe get the way to get to the final progression: Mars (Or as I like to call it The Homeworld. This barren desert realm (Which hopefully you can add air here as we established awhile back this wasn’t mars) is the homeworld of the lizards and if you scout out the land you can find a couple of special item that maybe will spawn the boss?

    Anyways that’s how I would do it in my head. And places like The Primordial and the asteroids could be bonus places.


    Hmmmmm, I should add some of this to the lore theories.


    @cora, actually, it’d be nice to combine jumpdrive and meshnode together so that not only could players make ships that could “jump” through space/zones, but also could move around normally too. Would really make it feel like a ship. That would be my ideal way to do it. Sounds complicated but would be awesome.

    Another thing, we could call the sky island (floatland) biomes “Bastions” kind of like kip mentioned. They were raised by magic or something to avoid the corruption. I had a song come into my head today that was from a soundtrack of an really well done indie came I used to play called “bastion” and that would be a nice reference. coincidentally, that game also had something called the “calamity” that was spreading and taking over.


    Calling it “The Calamity” sounds almost like a direct reference to the Zelda games


    Is that what it is called in Breath of the Wild? If so, I didn’t know that.


    Yeah, lol

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