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    Kiopy7 replied to the topic Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesEvil Lizards in the forum Mesecraft Lore and Theories 3 months ago

    I’d really like to see that!
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    mistere replied to the topic Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesEvil Lizards in the forum Mesecraft Lore and Theories 3 months ago

    I can make some lizard-people models
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    Profile picture of komodo

    komodo posted an update in the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 4 months ago

    So one thing we don’t need to do is figure out if it’s actually Earth or not. We can just called it “the world” and in code can probably detect the world name and maybe if there is a function to do so, we can pull the name of the world the player or operator has made and use it within the story.
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    komodo replied 4 months ago

    I asked the Minetest IRC about this and got a few good replies. It should be possible with a string find using the minetest.get_worldpath function and using a string find on \ windows, / for linux to truncate the world name. Just need to make sure it is case sensitive in the path as well and this can be stored as a variable.
    Profile picture of komodo
    komodo replied 4 months ago

    So I’m still thinking there was some disaster that happened and some divine intervention or some sort of event caused mese to be distributed and shattered throughout the world. Like maybe it was some sort of giant mese energy being or something and the world was corrupted and went to war and the mese was shattered and spread across the world to…Read more
    Profile picture of komodo
    komodo replied 4 months ago

    Also, I’ve been thinking some themes of the game should be: harmony with nature (vs lust for total power, greed), adventure, and growth (time, growing up)
    Profile picture of Kiopy7
    Kiopy7 replied 4 months ago

    The mese energy being is actually really close to my theory

    Profile picture of komodo

    komodo posted an update in the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 4 months ago

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the lore lately, and have a good idea for a fun antagonist that is pulled from popular conspiracy theories. shapeshifting lizard people that are trying to control humanity and enslave them to mine ore (mese converted into evil mese) that they use for dark energy. Of course, players can use mese for energy too.…Read more
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    Kiopy7 replied 4 months ago

    If you read the Read the Mesecraft lore theory #1 that I posted you’ll see that humanity was once very peaceful and they began to use mese as a power source, later combining mese with magic to create the king’s market.

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    odie joined the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 4 months ago

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    Profile picture of Kiopy7

    Kiopy7 replied to the topic Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and Theoriesbones and fossils in the forum Mesecraft Lore 4 months ago

    Fossils have been suggested many times and Unreal actually considered it for awhile but got cought up in his real life. However I think it would be nice and cool, as I myself enjoy to collect rare objects all over the world of mesecraft. I also think they might add more immersion when mining, such as you at -560 and then come across a random…Read more
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    Profile picture of carzomg

    carzomg joined the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 5 months ago

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    mistere replied to the topic Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and Theoriesbones and fossils in the forum Mesecraft Lore 5 months ago

    I think it would be cool to be able to collect various fossils and be able to display your collection (they would be models). maybe also they could be sold to an npc
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    mistere joined the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 5 months ago

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    Profile picture of komodo

    komodo posted an update in the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 5 months ago

    I added a forum to the group (used admin to enable the setting, you can disable it if you want) but I think it would help to have a discussion forum too. It only shows up in the group.
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    Profile picture of komodo

    komodo posted an update in the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 5 months ago

    Should this place be a group or a dedicated forum in the main community forum? I’m curious how it works out with a group. I actually think Kiopy is a pretty good person to contribute to lore. I’ve noticed he’s creative, fun, and friendly. Has an enthusiasm for the game and the world. 🙂
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    Profile picture of Kiopy7
    Kiopy7 replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    lol thanks 😀

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    komodo joined the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 5 months ago

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    Profile picture of Kiopy7

    Kiopy7 posted an update in the group Group logo of Mesecraft Lore and TheoriesMesecraft Lore and Theories 5 months ago

    Weird and Non- Serious Mese Lore Theory: So I have done many experiments involving mese and discovered only players are effected by the radiation. So that gave me an idea! What if, hundreds or thousands of years ago, a planet was dying. 60% of planet’s natural stone is made up of yellow powerful crystals, and when the planet exploded, chunks of…Read more
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    Profile picture of komodo
    komodo replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    lol. I think I’ve heard this before. Is that what Kryptonite is 🙂 If it work, it works. The whole human in a pod thing doesnt make sense with mesecraft though.

    MeseCraft is so like Earth though so far. We have the moon and mars too so it has be earth some how i think.. We talked about it being in another dimension or something. I like the…Read more
    Profile picture of Kiopy7
    Kiopy7 replied 4 months, 1 week ago

    When I think of lore in games like Minecraft or Mesecraft I don’t like to think of them as separate from Earth or being Earth, I like to think that this it’s a mere planet that has Earth like qualites but it may be Earth as well, as in Minecraft, it’s never been confirmed whether that even is Earth or if it it’s own reality.
    Profile picture of odie
    odie replied 4 months ago

    On the subject of alternative realities: One theory states that every time the outcome of an event is so close that the decision falls at the quantum level (for example, when a coin falling exactly vertically hits an absolutely horizontal surface and then falls over), the universe doubles. In one universe the coin falls to the left and in the…Read more




    I dropped groups as a feature and just decided to merge the discussions we had. I moved it into the forums so it was preserved and we still had a copy of that brainstorming. Gave that subject it’s own dedicated forum too.

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