A blocky survival game.

Missing crops

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  • #1653
      • Posts: 108
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      Mostly because I’m a completist and feel the need to grow them, but partly just to make sure this is working as intended, there seems to be some missing crops. Oranges and peppers are the two that I can’t seem to find. Now if they are just super rare, like garlic and pineapples, or tied to an event, like ginger and peppermint, that’s fine. Just wanted to let you know about something that seems to be missing.

      Also, in a foot related item, the juicer doesn’t seem to want to juice pumpkins. Not the big one, not the pumpkin pieces. Everything else seems to juice just fine though.

        • Posts: 166
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        There are actually a couple missing crops: Oranges, Bananas , and strawberries. The reason you can’t find them is because they are part of the ethereal mod, which is not in the game anymore. The Farming Redo mod which we use adds these as well but you can’t find them in game yet. Peppers can be found in game, as I actually have found some before. They are found in the jungle and you’ll come across one soon after exploring the jungle for awhile.

          • Posts: 108
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          Looks like I’ll be Tarzan swinging through the jungle for a while.

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