Server Crashing every time I join

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  • #1436

    Im in my mine. My rope catches fire from lava located diagonal to my rope. The rope burns out. The rope box lowers a new rope. Fire still present. I pillar up to put the fire out. My screen becomes dark, maybe im inside the pillar, due to lag. The server crashes. I rejoin, server immediately crashes again. le fin


    I am now able to play again by digging out the cobble in which Im stuck with another account. I believe the crash was caused by the fact that I was stuck inside the cobble.


    Ok The crashes are happening again maybe its the lava or something. This time I wasnt stuck inside a cobble nor was there any rope


    This also happened to me wen I was exploring a cave, except I was nowhere near cobble. I was ale to get out of it by backing away from the cursed cave everytime I came back on and then crashed. I think it has something to do with a certain point in the underground.


    Hi all,

    I’m going to update to a patch from dfcaverns/subterrane that fixes this. You can read more about it here:
    It was fixed 22 days ago when someone else reported the bug. I meant to merge it in the next stable update, but didn’t get around to it quickly. Since it is causing bugs now, I want to rush it in ASAP. I’m merging the fix into MeseCraft right now. It should be live soon.


    New fix is live. Go test it out 🙂


    New fix has made the game extremely laggy. Tried multiple machines and taking forever to load terrain. Seems to be laggy for everyone that has been on.

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