Server griefing

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    So apparently now donyboy is crashing the server. This guy is a nuisance.


    Keihdra please join me on test server!


    So apparently  the reason Dony is mad and crashing the server is because Keihdra “stole” his gold. While I don’t believe his story completely, I’m giving him 1 gold in exchange for him to stop crashing the server and so that he doesn’t get banned. However if he doesn’t keep his side of the bargain then please ban him for us Unreal.


    He stole my son’s space suit and helicopter parts plus a dozen other minor things. The gold in question is the one Kip gave me to give to donyboy for the mossy cobblestone. When I got back to Falldale to give him the gold, he was gone and trash was on. The next time I saw donyboy Himinnfjell had been griefed and minekids stuff had been stolen out of his house. By that time Kip and I had both speculated that donyboy and trash were the same person. So no, I didn’t give him the gold. And now that I know that he is the one who stole from my kid and griefed both Falldale and Himinnfjell, I won’t give him anything.


    He didn’t keep his end of the bargain, please ban him.


    I actually knew dony was trash the first time dony logged on.


    Sorry you are having issues with him. Just make sure that you ignore him. I’m not going to ban him unless he is doing something illegal or bad. Crashing the server could be a good excuse to ban someone, but in this case, I’m more interested in fixing the bugs. Don’t get offended things he says, that is why he says those things. I don’t like banning people unless it’s really really necessary. Unfortunately, stealing and griefing are parts of the game, we just need to balance things a bit more. What do you think? If it becomes a big problem, I’ll step in.


    I understand and I’m over it now. And I don’t think he was crashing the server, pretty sure that was just the market bug. He was just taking credit for it. I do feel like the pumpkin mobs were a bug/cheat/problem. It allowed a low level player access to something that could be used to grief on a large scale. Making the protection blocks protect against fire spread would eliminate this problem. Everything that he burned in Himinnfjell was protected but the pumpkin mobs allowed him to burn them.


    At least Pumpkin Bombs are gone now!


    Still possible with boomers.


    Fire basically needs to be stopped by protectors, and someone needs to code that in.


    Pumpkins have crazy spawn rates and you can easily find them however Boomers are pretty sparse.

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