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    Team Helping Restore and / or Improve Village Envionments – This is an idea to engage players to be proactive during time on the server. Upgrading existing villages without protection to support all when travelling. Also maximizing the Markets so that better supplies can be puchased at each location with active trading.  Helpful to noobies. Opinions, ideas, input, feedback?


    Maybe making train stations to and from the far away villages


    I think T.H.R.I.V.E is a great project, but there are a few things that I and some other people don’t like about it.

    First, I think that you should try to not do as much stuff in actual player’s villages. I remember the back in Ho, you guys just kind of took over Ho and it kind of got me mad. I think you should simply make paths or roads to their villages and then just leave it at that.

    Second, Spawn counts as a village, and even though it goes against one of main things about T.H.R.I.V.E, I really think Spawn needs to be protected because it’s kind of annoying as a new player trying to find a place to hide but all the houses are completely destroyed or you are trying to navigate the boomer holes.

    And last, I think the floating walkways in villages are kind of ugly, so I think on way you can make it look better is by making them look like they actually belong there.

    Anyways, just things to think about, I really like what you are doing with the roads, so keep going!


    Great to see your feedback! It is never our intention to intrude in other player’s build. If I new you felt that way, it would never have been implemented. Secondly, I don’t know why Ael Post was never protected as was Misthall in Centeria. I would venture a guess that that lack of active advanced builders at the time of reset may be the reason, even though admin could have made it so. Lastly, yes floating walkways don’t offer the best curb appeal and could be improved going forward. Initially necessary to avoid mobs, especially boomers which devastate buildings. Communication is the key among players and team volunteers. Thanks again.


    Team volunteers as I posted previously, communication is the key. Keep players informed with project updates regularly on the forum and similarly players ( admin too )  please post your opinions pro or con! Or objective is to have a server that is fun for all. Thanks.


    Ho is now opening it’s doors to T.H.R.I.V.E, however there is one condition: You can not make Slime Walkways.


    Agreed, will consult with you on changes when the time comes. Thanks.


    First of all: Sorry that I have not reported for so long time in the forum. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately and it’s only gotten a little better now. I will probably gradually work my way through all the news and messages in the forum. Of course, provided that I can continue to spare time for the forum.

    Last night I took a look at the forum before going to sleep and found out that T.H.R.I.V.E. is now coordinating its projects. (By the way: I think this is a great thing. If not urgent or even indispensable if you want to develop a village with several players). Anyway, I had read about the coordination only after I had built the small white market hall in Barrowston. I would need some feedback on this matter if the hall can stay there.The hall is currently protected by a protector and CARZOMG is not yet added as a member. I will change that.

    Maybe this is not necessary in case Fency vending machines are automatically protected by their owner which I don’t know. In this case I could simply remove the protection block and make it possible for other players to expand the market hall and place their own vending machines. Extending the market hall so far that other players can have their protection areas adjacent would of course also be a possibility.

    Two things about the market hall: Since vending machines are quite expensive (at least for me) it would be good to know which goods might be in demand in Barrowston.

    The other thing is that I didn’t know exactly where to connect the elevated walkway to the market to the other elevated walkways in Barrowston. My suggestion would be the balcony of the library.

    Also, I can offer to rework the buildings and / or elevated walkways in Barrowston as and when the opportunity arises. In the case of the buildings, this would mean that I might change the materials but keep the dimensions. In addition, I would need for the revision of the roofs a concrete approval of slope blocks since these would change the appearance strongly. And then there would be the question if we want to keep the current style of the buildings (use of gray and red stone) or give Barrowston a completely new coat of paint. Or a mixture of both solutions? My suggestion would be to keep the ‘traditional’ style for the generated buildings and their existing and upcoming extensions and to make new, especially public buildings a bit more colorful. But of course these are only suggestions.

    For a revision of the elevated walkways, I would need approval to change the width and / or the courses of the elevated walkways, if necessary. (The courses would be changed of course only where it is necessary or advisable). Lastly, there would be the question of whether Barrowston should receive at-grade streets and plazas in addition to the elevated trails. In case this is not the case, at least some of the ground level doors could get removed.

    In Ale Post all players are welcome to participate in the completion of the city wall. I would only ask you to keep the existing style (or consult with me) (the battlements are still missing) and to protect the added sections of the wall. If the protection blocks are built into the wall, as long as the wall exists in this form, it will be obvious who is the noble donor of this wall section. 🙂 I also ask to note that the cemetery is in need of expansion.

    The expensive vending machines and the provision of purchase offers on the Kings market are two of the reasons why I am mostly in money trouble and therefore only slowly progressing with the construction of a protected wall.

    If you want to set up a store or a house (or whatever) in Ale Post, please don’t feel discouraged by my building activities there. I only ask to consider that straight and wide streets are better passable and free places and gardens contribute to a pleasant loosening of the townscape. Of course, consulting me first would be the most ideal solution. However, I am aware that this is rather difficult (especially at the moment).

    Maybe one or the other player has already noticed that I recently built a house with tips for smartphone users. I met a player a while ago who seemed quite interested but had difficulties with the most basic things like inventory management and the use of doors and boxes. This player had then removed some doors in my mine in my absence to get back to the surface. My research showed that there is a Minetest manual for smartphone users on MinetestEDU in German but probably not in English. (https://wiki.minetest.net/MinetestEDU/de/Erste_Nutzung_von_Minetest_am_Mobilgerät)

    So I built this building (northwest in Ale Post). I would appreciate feedback regarding comprehensibility and spelling.

    The upper (northern) part of Ale Post has always been rather the orphan in my efforts. CARZOMG had connected some buildings there by elevated walkways and I wanted to adopt the idea since especially new and inexperienced players (and probably smartphone users) are surely grateful for areas at spawn that are as safe as possible. Although I had reworked the Kings Market there once but then got stuck in the new construction of the public smelter. The elevated path there needs to be reworked and might cost some additional protection blocks. For the church there I already had the idea to consecrate it to MeseAdmin so that new players can pray and ask there, of course in silence, for privileges and free stuff. 😉 On the last server (Portbarrow) maybe there was a need for it.

    If I will have much time I will also build a real residential house in Ale Post. (No, this is a warehouse in which I have made myself at home. 🙂 ) Maybe I’ll build it in front of the city walls of Ale Post.

    I also had the idea to build a guild house for the merchants with branches in Ale Post and to found a merchant guild. In the guild house there would be a public area where you can read on signs who joined the guild when and how much he paid to the guild to join it. The guild members would have access to the closed area through their own protected door. There would be the guild treasury and guild internal announcements (in books or on signs) as well as a trading area where goods can be offered to guild members at special prices via vending machines. From the money of the guild could be financed for example tenders and rewards. (Of course only after a unified decision… and always for the good of the village… and the guild… and especially its members 🙂 )

    Economic concerns then also bring me to the topic of Ho. Water (water sources like water in buckets) are rather scarce in Ale Post (which fits quite well since Ale Post is mostly in the savannah.) The way down to the water is rather far compared to Ho where you almost get your feet wet just stepping out of a front door. And when I go down to the water in Ale Post to fill buckets with water, every single filled bucket takes up a single slot in the inventory. So I think Ho is very suitable for scooping and processing water. So I could consider building a saltworks there. (The building, not the pond. I really had trouble translating the word into English. It almost seems like there is no word for the German word “Saline”.) Even better would be a public saltworks where players can use the last minutes of the day to produce salt before the Night Market opens. Also, the deer that fall off the cliff there from time to time provide the village with meat. And especially the bay north of the Night Market has proven to be a good area for fishing (with the sword). There I / you could build a fisherman’s cottage with a wide pier to make fishing even more comfortable. At the latest when production starts there, a branch in or at least near Ho will be advisable for me. That means I would need a store with a warehouse and a small living area somewhere there. If all this is built in the village, the number of buildings there would have doubled.

    Also, I think Ho could use some street lights and a high fence for the time being.

    Let me know what you guys think about this and what I get clearance for. 🙂


    For one thing: A hostel in the village goes down well in any village.

    Also: My candle stocks are slowly running out. And red desert stone is also getting scarce and the desert is far away. I don’t even want to talk about my gold stocks. Does anyone need iron? Food? Arrows or crossbow bolts? Oil lamps? Anything? 🙂

    If so leave a message on the board. I’ll also recheck the requests on the markets soon.

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


    Odie, don’t stress over Barrowston, it’s only you and I working on that village and whatever you do is ok with me! Otherwise, it’s only necessary keep the players updated when they are directly affected by suggested changes. You are a valued player and the game should be fun. As with all things issues will arise and will be worked out as long as we respect each other.


    @odie Yeah, so about Ho. Right now, I’m focusing on my own personal gain (hehehe), but here is a list of natural resources that is in great abundance at Ho:

    1. Wood (Mainly apple and pine)

    2. Apples (Duh)

    3. Wool (Sheep spawn like crazy here)

    4. All types of meat

    5. NPC Slaves (This is a joke concerning the game mechanic that allows you to tame and capture NPCs, do not take this seriously :D)

    6. Rice, Cotton, and Carrots

    7. Water

    8. Sand

    9. Ocean goo

    10. Fish and Bonemeal

    11. Eggs (EGGS!)

    There are the resources that could be gathered underground but I’m just talking about the ones that are easy to obtain.

    (Also, I do have a trading company called Spoice Co. so I’d be glad to join the guild)



    @ Kiopy7

    In Ael post I have need for water and especially finished products that require a lot of water require. It is more efficient to produce goods where most of the raw materials needed for them are found together instead of trading the individual raw materials. Therefore I see in Ho a chance for some productions. It would also be conceivable to partially automate production by using hoppers and automatic workbenches. Whoever builds it first has the chance to dominate the small, but probably permanent market for gelatine powder and rose water at least for a while. 🙂 I also buy wood from the market from time to time to make charcoal for steel. (I’m competing with AlexGIF’s production, which is undoubtedly more efficient, but what else am I going to do with all the iron? 🙂 )In addition, there is now an increased need for Jungelgrass as some Savannah soil is still to be replaced within my protected areas. At the moment there is no need for additional ordinary sand or sandstone but this can change abruptly as soon as someone decides to build with sandstone. Also I could imagine to buy eggs from the market now and then… if the price fits. 🙂

    In general I think it is efficient to offer goods offensively on the markets because it prevents the buyer from spending money in advance for goods he will get later. After all, the buyer can probably use the money in the meantime to buy other goods. Also, it is advisable to have placed your offer on the market before a need arises in order to be the first to sell on that market (and thus participate in the initial pricing). Most importantly, a potential buyer might have the idea to produce his own goods if they are not immediately available on the market.

    You also asked about being added as a member to different protection blocks in Ael Post. I think it would make sense in this case to work with coordinates so I know which protection blocks to work on. I normally don’t like the use of coordinates but this is more for long distance orientation. It would also be interesting to know which areas in Ael Post you plan to revise.

    Also you asked me with a sign to destroy the ugly stone block in the northwest of Ael Post. I think the appearance could be reworked, but basically I was planning to keep the building as a building. It is at least fireproof from the outside and in this way built according to one of the premises of CARZOMG’s architecture. The ulterior motive I have is this: I wanted to preserve the northeast corner with its elevated walkways and fire-safe building style and just rework the appearance. This way we would not only have the building styles of all three players (CARZOMG, Kiopy7 and Odie) united in one village but each building style would also have its own district.

    On this occasion:

    @ CARZOMG if you want control of NW Ael Post or want me to add you as a member to the protection blocks let me know. I put the protection blocks at that time mainly to stop the advancing devastation of the neighborhood.

    Samarathal, in my opinion, shows that you can create respectable structures with elevated walkways and fireproof buildings. I would suggest replacing some of the red cobblestones on bridges and walls with red desert bricks and adding some ground level paths of red desert stone, but I won’t change anything within the city walls without specific approval. I have, however, created a quarry for red desert stone and desert sand northwest of Samarathal for practical reasons and tried to keep it reasonably presentable. However, the appearance can certainly be worked on. A trail from Samarathal to Wildbank Dales is in the planning stages.

    Concerning the offers (at the moment the offer 🙂 ) in Barrowston my intention at the moment is to promote the trade with goods which are beneficial for the development of the village. So far I had mainly building materials and lighting in mind.

    I plan to give players a small profit for bringing goods from Kings Market to Barrowston (or selling goods from other sources) and to provide an offer for those working on Barrowston. The only thing that worries me a little bit is that the materials I imagine to use there myself have already been used there. This means that players could come up with the Idea of demolishing existing structures in order to sell the blocks.


    I scan the markets regularly, as you know, and fill any orders from available inventory or search my current biome area for those requested items readily available. You can add me to protection blocks as I may have need. I think it’s great that you give so much thought to your work and team participation! Everything in your report sounds good to me.


    I connected Wildbank Dales to the T.H.R.I.V.E. project. I ask that you do not build any elevated walkways there as they will not really be necessary. The mobs there are rather rare and harmless and the village is located on a bright and rather flat plain so that threats can usually be seen from far away. I also protected the main house and added CARZOMG and Kiopy7 as members.
    I am thinking about making a lot of the sidewalks in some of the T.H.R.I.V.E villages obsolete by using permanent lights. But that would mean the need for tons of bright permanent lights.
    The reason I am thinking about this is that it has proven problematic to rework the high walkways to the small huts (for example in Falldale) in a meaningful and aesthetic way since the small huts leave little room. And a complete new construction would be extensive. I am working on a solution.
    I may have already found a partial solution: If the sidewalks are preferably laid out in a ring around a village, they can be (at least partially) rebuilt into a city wall at a later time. I am aware, however, that this requires a lot of time and material. Therefore I am not sure if this is a really acceptable solution.

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


    I’ll be offline for awhile, cyas soon.


    I fixed a broken down house near my house in spawn. Also fixing another house near by. Check if you all like the look of it


    Wanted Alive! Jammin Joe to continue the development of ‘ Odeltem ‘ desert village with the T.H.R.I.V.E. team. Last login 13 April 2022. Please post any info re: Joe. Reward – better team play and resource development!


    Ho is now back up on it’s feet so we no longer need the assistance of  T.H.R.I.V.E.


    Jammin’Joe is my muffin buddy


    We spam chat with muffins


    Glad Ho is good, if you chat with Joe, ask if he has any objections to T.H.R.I.V.E. working on the unprotected area of Odeltem near his pyramid.


    The way this was written, was like perfect customer service lol. Good people skills, carzomg.


    I’ve been working on Falldale. It now has a small wall around the city and walkways through town. The main addition is a dock and magical ship in the harbor. I’ll be adding lights and some other doors in the wall, but I think the village is much better than before. The only thing I’ve protected is the dock and boat as they link to my home of Himinnfjell.


    We all appreciate the improvements to Falldale, this is our goal to increase the enjoyment and creativity of the players. Protection is important in private areas but basic resources in common public villages, when used respectfully, can encourage development of more distances away from spawn. Glad you’ve joined the team.


    It’s unfortunate but a troll has destroyed 2 villages, Middle Aspen and Forestworth near AlexGIF’s base just northwest of Ael Post. Posted signs ‘ Crime Area ‘ and  ‘ Arsenist ‘. In the process of cobble repairs would like volunteer players to ‘ dress up ‘ the unappealing cobble buildings.


    Humblericef201 and I were able to put out the fires, but it was clearly the work of an arsonist. I’ll be out the rest of this week, but I’ll try to help a bit with some repairs when I get back. I have my suspicions as to who the arsonist might be.


    No worries, whatever you can. Thanks.


    Lightning currently leaves fires when it does strike. But so do trolls and arsonists.


    But lightening doesn’t post signs! 🙂 Turkey reconstruction ( cobble, cobble ) done. Are new villages spawning? I don’t recall Middle Aspen last time I was at AlexGIF’s base.


    The crime scene signs were posted by Humblericef201. It would have had to have been quite the lightning storm to strike two separate villages and multiple strikes in each, as there were fires burning in separate places, unconnected to other fires in each village.


    Restoration of Ale Post As you may know, Ale Post has basically been our spawn since back in Feburary 2022 when the map got restarted because of drastic changes to the world generation. However after the “incident,” Ale Post was abandoned by practically all players besides about five, who decided that, since New Spawn is much farther from them, they can live in peace for the time being.

    But even though Ale is abandoned, I do think we should put together a small restoration project for Ale Post as a tribute to it. Doing this however would mean that we will need a little bit of involvement from Komodmo, as most of Ale is protected by him and inactive players.

    I think after the restoration, all people who were involved can help with building a memorial monument in memory of Ale.

    Things that will be hopefully restored:
    1. Wall Reconstruction
    2. Sand back into Grass
    3. Roof Reconstruction
    4. Replanting of trees in and out of Ale
    5. Deconstruction of Ho to Ale railway (Kip)
    6. Reconstruction of Ho to Ale path
    7. Garden Reconstruction
    8. Removal of banned players’ protection blocks: maggot_begger?, donyboy, Antrica1, StoneAge. (Komodo?)
    9. Building of Ho Embassy (Kip)

    All of these things can be chosen to be completed by any player, in THRIVE or not, as this is a community effort.

    If this goes well, or even happens, we may have more of these to fix things like Ho’s deforestation and water problems, and Falldale.

    Thank you to Giorge and Fedon who have already worked on restoring the outside of Ale Post, which was always extremely destroyed.


    Worth a try.


    I’m back!


    Hello. Is anyone active!


    Hey carzomg! People are still around. Personally, I’ve been doing a lot of parenting and moving homes. Activity has slowed a bit but I’m hoping to help ramp it up again soon with some changes and more investment into development and community involvement.

    We’ve had a bit of a lul and development slowed. But I’ve been doing some work on the site this weekend and I’m working on a project to rebrand mesecraft.com under mese.net, a new USA cloud server (that we are now on as of this weekend), and future servers in europe and asia. I’m planning to hunker down this winter when it gets cold out (chicago winters) and bundle up and get some development work done on the games. There are a few pull requests that need to be addressed and immediate bug fixes.


    Yes, I am currently playing on mese.net server. I haven’t found many of the players from a year or two ago. Keep up the good work.

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