There has been a minor update to MeseCraft: Music has been removed to allow Android and mobile tablet and phone players to access the game. Buckets have been fixed. A helicopter is now craftable in the game. Going forward, mobile phones and tablets will be included as a main focus alongside desktop and laptop PC […]
There have been some changes on the development cycle of MeseCraft. There are now three branches in our git repository. I will break them down for you: unstable: This is a rolling version of MeseCraft. All of the latest changes and inclusions get added here. Things might break in this branch and there will be bugs […]
A few things have changed on the website that I’ll officially post about to keep you guys in the loop. External links that use embedded content is now disabled in forums and activity views. Why? When a frame or resource is shown in an embedded view (like YouTube video previews) it actually pulls the resources […]
MeseCraft is now available world-wide! I’ve expanded our services to include other regions of the world. We now have servers in Americas, Europe, and Asia. This should help global players play the game online with reasonable latency regardless of what part of the world they are in! The original server, Americas #1, is still the […]
There are some biome updates that players should know about. Ethereal biomes and items have been completely removed for now. Why? It’s too hard to develop for all of the default and ethereal biomes. Ethereal biomes are generally neglected from a development perspective and those biomes are not up to the quality that should be […]
MeseCraft has been updated with the Climate modpack by TestificateMods. This software will allow MeseCraft to have more dynamic weather environments in the world. There is a lot that this adds to the game: Moon phases: the moon will have phases in the game. This can also be used by other mods that can hook […]
Hello all, Today there were some new updates for MeseCraft! The AFK mod and mesecraft_beds mods now have functions to not count AFK players in the bed/day reset count. Also, the in game music has been added back into the game. You can control this with /musicsettings in the game. This update was sourced from […]
Today, I pushed a small update: Icy slimes no longer spread snow. This was requested by a player and supported with reasons. Icy slimes are spreading snow too much and spreading the snow biome rapidly as a result. To prevent this, icy slimes no longer spread snow. They will still spread ice when in water. […]