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  • in reply to: activity seems to have slowed, ground to a halt? #3935

    ok, good to know, and I appreciate your continued work.

    in reply to: Guns in video-games and MeseCraft #3861

    I’m thinking the opposite, not real or old guns, but like rail gun madness. I mean, we have a virtually infinite world, where u can move or break almost any block, why not have fun with that? just some destructive fun, in singleplayer, who cares, on servers, well there’s protection.


    sure vintage guns, why not, but let’s face it, they’re pea shooters, and mesecraft is obviously sci-fi/fantasy, and the world is huge. let the destruction and mayhem begin!

    in reply to: Soundtrack download #3349

    link is dead ๐Ÿ™

    seems these forums are too, lately

    in reply to: Griefers and Fly Hacking #3347

    can’t you ban his ip?


    anyway, vulgarities, that’s nothing, just words, but, destroying builds, and other griefing or stealing, should get a ban.

    in reply to: New map no markets #2667

    i agree that the settlements, towns, villages, whatever are something which are cool and fun to see, but honestly, which experienced players really bother with them? for what to get some apples and wood armor? they’re great in the beginning, but after you’ve upgraded a bit they’re not worth a visit anymore. i think the markets being “OP” as mentioned here but which could make the towns actually useful and worth visiting, even for experienced players is great. i admit i don’t understand the markets, and it would be great if someone would write a little concise in game book to explain them – keihdra, maybe you’re up for that task/challenge?


    another thing i was thinking days ago was, because of the generally lame loot in the villages (although i gotta admit, mapping kits and binoculars are sometimes there and great finds, or maybe that was shipwrecks? that makes sense), more experienced players generally don’t bother with them, i’m assuming, but if the chests contained valuables, you like, things people would actually store in chests, it would make visiting and searching through the towns more appealing. it could be rare like the rare things found while mining, but also not in quantities that you would come to rely on them in the game for something like, let’s say, oil, but it would definitely make it worth checking them out. same with the shipwrecks, really shipwrecks only have that kind of mostly lame loot?


    more variety and more expensive items in the various generated structures to explore would make a better game. why go explore a dungeon or a temple etc for relatively cheap things which u can easily get elsewhere or craft, or which you really don’t need unless you’re a day one player, like stone swords and wood armors etc.

    in reply to: MUST haves for Mescraft #2615

    good idea to use combo blocks while holding shift.


    in reply to: Bowwich #2613

    i’ve been in parts of the world where the city was once within a protected wall, but now only small remnants remain, and they’re historic artifacts and tourist attractions.


    when i was recently reading Must Test’s posts about his Enyekala/Must Test server, he does not and will not ever erase any of the “history” of the server, so, the wall can simply be left in place as a bit of history, and with no protection, eventually it WILL change, as it does IRL, where villagers reclaim materials to build their own houses, and walls, etc. griefers may have a go at it, and eventually it will resemble some real bonafide ruins.


    maybe an admin or some concerned players might want to do a bit of occasional pruning to remove ugly floating blocks for instance, but otherwise let it age and change over time.


    some may even build their base beside or just outside of this great wall, or once great wall, as it has been known to happen IRL. people may use part of the wall as a part of their own home, or build directly on it.


    a server is a space for people to come together and do the things they love to do in these games, but where there are other real players also in the same world. sometimes you get idiots and griefers, and sometimes u get great builders, but it’s a place where people come to express themselves for others to maybe come across and admire their work, or find friends to collaborate with, etc. in time, this wall may take on a life of its own. or it might not. time will tell.


    seeing an abandoned project on the server, just like an old wall which outgrew its initial intention is common throughout our history, and so be it on our virtual world.

    in reply to: Guns in video-games and MeseCraft #2610

    **double post removed

    in reply to: Guns in video-games and MeseCraft #2609

    yea i somewhat agree. i remember the first time i saw guns in some blocky sandbox games and it seemed really odd and out of place, HOWEVER, we also do have mese tech, and other more modern tech, rather than all just medieval type fantasy world. as it is, mesecraft is already quite different with the going to the moon and mars and the bizzare ‘space aliens’ to be found there, so possibly using the guns mods, but making them look not like historical human made guns?


    while searching through the contentdb recently i wanted to play around with more dynamite/TNT, so i searched for “tnt” and tried out various mods, and boy are they FUN!! especially when you tweak their damage radius.


    there was an old video game called ‘Rampage’, where you played these giant animals just trashing buildings and such, and it was a lot of cathartic fun. it’s possible, with the massive vertical space in a MT world to have several ‘realms’ such as we already have the moon, the nether, etc. one with light gravity like the moon and endless rocket launcher ammo would be ridiculously fun if it could be worked into the game somehow, for those seeking that kind of chaos and adventure.


    there could possibly be some boss mob to fight which puts up defenses in the form of piles of rock/blocks, and you have to blast it out, which would be something new for these blocky sandbox games, as far as i know. something big and massive to use the rocket launcher, or you won’t kill it. again, perhaps re-skinning the rocket launcher from the military green to something more wild and colorful looking. dragon launcher? mese cannon? etc.


    whack-a-mole with giant sandworms and rocket launcher/mese-cannons anybody?

    in reply to: New to Mesecraft #2607

    hey what the f happened to my post? i was editing it after it was already posted, as the forum allows, and when i hit submit it now disappeared. this happened to me the other day too.

    in reply to: Attendance #2603

    sad news, wishing for the best possible outcome for your family member

    in reply to: A few things I don’t like… #2602

    oh and, i think TNT man is pretty fucking hilarious. it’s a light hearted goofy fun mob, and i like that he’s out there just lookin to fuck up your day XD




    on a somewhat related note, we need MORE badass TNT, there are already great mods for this, we should have them all.

    there’s even one which just digs down down down down down(there are quite a few good uses for this), for a virtually infinite world, why not?

    there are massive massive caverns, there are whole mountain ranges, which, could be destroyed, and practically no one would ever even notice it. it’s a fully destructible world for fuck’s sake, let’s have some fun with that! Mesecraft should be bigger badder BETTER than Minecraft!

    in reply to: A few things I don’t like… #2601

    i agree with all of the points made here. the OP said we need it, i agree.

    mesecraft said, not going to add it, and the reason given seems sound.

    mistere chimed in with, faster, “harder to evade” mobs, yes, totally, i agree, and dcmenche said easy enough to kill most of them off with a stone sword. so, i think the solution is hiding in plain sight.

    look, there are times when a player dies far FAR from home, happens all the time, and you need to walk all the way back to try and get your bones, often dying a dozen more times while trying to do so, and traversing such HUGE worlds can be REALLY FUCKING BORING! and, since most of us have jobs and school, and various other responsibilities and lives, it’s a real drag when u spend literally all of your playing time just trekking out to where u died (sometimes by accident, like falling, or a one bite spider kill, etc.) so, having sprint doesn’t have to mean get an evade all mobs for free pass – just make the mobs faster too if you’re really worried about it taking a challenge out of the game. making crossing the world and exploring take so long in such a massive sandbox is drudgery.

    another reasonable solution is crafting expensive stuff like crystal boots, a la Centeria server, but sprint could still be somewhere between walking speed and crystal boots speed (although how crystal boots makes any sense is beyond me, and that they make you faster, well, same).


    in reply to: bones and fossils #2584

    who said anything about machinery? perhaps it could be as simple as, you’ve collected piece 3 of 5 DNA for Oogoloxi. when you’ve got all 5 pieces(or up to x amount of pieces), perhaps just a spawn ‘egg’ for it can be crafted.



    in reply to: Samarathal Village #2413

    cool project. i’ve seen the T.H.R.I.V.E. sign on a village before, now i’m not sure where though

    in reply to: Geocashing in Mesecraft server #1 #2411

    to be clear, geocaching is ‘treasure hunting’ gps game, but a main feature of ceocaching is the log(book), and sometimes taking and leaving items . did you include a logbook for others to log their own info and what they left behind?


    in reply to: Exploration Update #2410

    yes please post photos and progress. that’s a feature of these forums so no need to ask

    in reply to: Better Economy #2408

    imho an even better use of the traders would be that you HAVE to use them, like for some recipes u need things which only traders can provide, similar to how ancient stone can’t be crafted, u have to search for it.


    buy secrets, geocaching type info, search and find: maps, locations of dragons, locations of hot mining areas, things that get you out into the world, long distance expeditions.


    maybe some larger villages can have museums which will buy rare fossils which u find out in the wild to display, and traders can have a role in selling info in some fun lore type of way, like a dead explorer’s journal(books) where they have some entries about finding the tip of what appeared to be a huge fossil, and that they plan to return once they are re-supplied or something like that.


    reports of a shipwreck lost out at sea, which you NEED a nautilus to go and find, and has actual expensive items, like staffs n such, not the usual boring stuff.


    the accuracy can be vague, like ~100 nodes vicinity, or more, depends maybe on the type of discovery or hunt. museums could be in sync with each other, similar to the bulletin boards, so each player can see the rare things others have found and get bragging rights too.


    an extension of that idea would be to have super rare wildlife that players find and catch to display in zoos. or trading in bred animals which come out with beautiful and unique markings, maybe those could be sold at auction, which may only be fun if there are enough players participating, and there are not many players of MT in general, but great games like mesecraft have the potential to draw in more and more players.


    since this thread is about economy, maybe some villages, since there are so many scattered about, can have bakeries, or restaurants offering items with extremely complex recipes(which are fun for some of us to craft, and a pain in the ass for others/most) which add huge hunger and saturation as well as hydration, or even a bar to get pissed drunk and stumble around, for a bit of fun ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: MUST haves for Mescraft #2406

    both proximity and punching are working, however, it’s the weakest ‘punch’-collect i’ve ever experienced.


    most of the time the drops from mined blocks just fall down and sometimes gone/lost because they go out of reach and fall deep down, whereas usually the ‘ores/blocks/drops’ are collected as you mine/punch.

    in reply to: Cloudlands should be higher up #2394

    yea that’s something i recently discovered. but one could argue that 1km for vacuum is too low, considering we have tens of thousands of m we can go up, and most of it is not used, even when taking consideration of the other realms.

    Since vacuum starts at 1K (atm), we canโ€™t go too high. I would put them up around 700 or so, to prevent them from being in sight range of the ground.

    also, as far as them being in sight range from the ground, the variance can be changed to make it more random. the recent change was for a variance of +/- 100m, but when i’m flying with my wyverns, i know where the cloud lands are, and they’re pretty much all on this one level, almost as if floating on water like, well, the islands we see on water. more variance means more to discover randomly while flying around in the skies.

    in reply to: Mineman’s House ablaze #1866

    exploding mobs make the game frustrating, and fun. come on, you know it.

    in reply to: companion animals/mobs – or, what i like/miss most about MC #1832

    so, can’t they be added to Mesecraft?

    in reply to: bones and fossils #1831

    maybe written into the fossils mod, there’s an x% change of it containing useful DNA, and out of that useful DNA, only ~x% of the complete DNA, forcing you to find more fossils, or trade with other players. getting a complete DNA sequence finally allows you to revive the creature, which would be unique, so as to not populate the world with them. news of the discoveries would be at spawn, or scattered books, so other players can see the newly revived creature, or contribute some of their own DNA code they’ve discovered.

    in reply to: Difficulty of Mesecraft #1783

    i’m still a pretty inexperienced player, though i’ve played some really HARD MT subgames, such as Exile (brutal, as the description says), and Enyekala, where even falling 2 nodes u take damage, and restoring health is very hard; so maybe it’s just all relative, but i find Mesecraft to be WAY too easy. all you have to do as a beginner is walk and soon you’ll find a village or a shipwreck and you’ll have so much loot, and accommodations without any effort at all, besides simply walking there. yes there are mobs but i haven’t encountered anything so hard that i died before getting loaded up with free armors, food, and weapons, and all sorts of gadgets and building materials.

    in reply to: why is the great goblins mod not already a part of Mesecraft? #1782

    does the debug text not shed any insights into the causes of the crashes?

    in reply to: Geocashing in Mesecraft server #1 #1781

    too bad they were moved or destroyed, clearly people do not know what geocaching is

    in reply to: Geocashing in Mesecraft server #1 #1767

    very good! it’s really one of them things like, why hadn’t anyone thought of this before? these games are ideal for geocaching!

    in reply to: Cloudlands should be higher up #1756

    400-500 is plenty high already, but honestly, when our upper limits are over 30k nodes up, even that seems very low.

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